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Jazz The Glass

The Pirate Surf Movie.

  • Shredder's Choice

    Jazz The Glass, the pirate surf movie, for download or streaming. Plus the Spanish subtitled version if that's how you shredddd. Plus the directors commentary, pirate story only, surf only, and The Lustful Land Baron short film!

    $2.99 Buy
  • Standard

    Jazz The Glass, the pirate surf movie, for download and streaming. The Pirate Story Only version. Plus the Spanish subtitled version if that's how you shreddd. Get the looooooog ready!

    $1.99 Buy
From Stoke Films, the creators of Invasion! From Planet C, comes Jazz The Glass, the pirate surf movie. Watch as Captain Blackstoke and his depraved crew of point shredding swashbucklers destroy The Earl of Poon and his kook entourage.

Jazz The Glass was directed by Reverend Speefnarkle (aka David M. Potter). It stars Earnest Humperdankle, Flo Humperdankle, The Pukester, Ryan Burghard, Jon Steele, Charles Laughton, Randolph Scott, John Carradine. Surf footage by Jon Steele. Thanks to Bobby Lurie, Chad Marshall, Matt Wesson, Mollusk, Surf A Pig, Speefnarkle Ministries

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Get Bobby Lurie's amazing Jazz The Glass soundtrack.